I was on Amazon to buy some k-cups for our keurig. I'm going to try the San Francisco Bay brand since they are cheaper and biodegradable. But then I decided to check out all the add on items to see if there were any deals... that was my downfall. But, hey, I did get some nice stuff and a lot of it was really inexpensive. I'll be putting some of this away for gifts. The weird thing is, most of this stuff aren't even add on items. I don't know how they are offering free shipping on some of this, since the prices were so cheap.
Here's what I found:
Retro Camera Necklace - 83 cents
(Putting away for my Brother-in-law who's hobby is photography. Not sure if it'll be good for a guy, I'll have to wait and see. But for 83 cents, its not much of a risk. If I don't think my brother-in-law will like it, I'll give it to Big R. She'll think its cool. ) |
Refillable K-cup $7.94 - add on item. |
These are super cute Owl Necklaces. Only 86 cents with Free Shipping! I don't quite know how they are offering them so cheap. The the reviews sounded good, so I bought 4 of these. I will keep one and save one for Big R's valentine's gift. The other 2 will be put away for birthday parties that Big R gets invited to. |
Peacock Hair Clips - 95 cents each! I bought 4 of these. I'm not sure if I'll set 2 aside for gifts or just keep all four for the girls and I to use. |
Peacock Necklace $1.07 - Bought this for myself. :) |
This wine glass is getting put away for Mr. R's valentine's day gift. It was only $13.32 and I think it's hilarious. I thought about buying more than one to use as gifts. But as it would be funny to give to my mom, she probably wouldn't use it. Mr. R will. |
Peacock Earrings - $1.31 - Bought these for myself to go with the matching necklace. The reviews were mixed on these so I'm gonna wait to see how the quality is when I receive mine and then if they are still on sale, I will buy another earring and necklace set to set aside for gifts. I think this would be something my grandma would like.
All together I spent $61.66 and got free shipping for everything. Ahhhh. Getting good deals gives me such a high. Now time to get a shower and head to Aldi.
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