April 24, 2013

Apriil Savings Challenge Update #5

I was able to move another $34 over to our Savings account today to go towards our goal of saving an extra $300 this month.  $20 came from left over money out of our gas budget, $10 was left over money from my personal spending and the $4 was just a dollar saved here or there.

So far we have been able to save an extra $105 this month.  Our second paycheck for April is this Friday and I know I should have extra money since next month is one of the cheaper months for day care plus Mr. Ripples should have been paid some overtime on this check.

This month is a little off since March was a 3 paycheck month, it made our paychecks for April fall later in the month than usual.

Unless anything major comes up before Friday I think I'll make my goal which is great, but I really didn't try too hard this month and know I can improve on some of my spending.  So I'm already thinking about what I want my goals to be next month.

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