February 28, 2014

Friday Financials

We got both our state and federal tax returns.  Woohoo!  Here's some more fun money news:
  • Had $22 left in the gas fund, moving to savings
  • We have $200 left in the grocery budget and $150 left in our extra money budget to last until next pay day (two weeks away)
  • Between our tax return and this paycheck, I'll have paid $445 on my student loans this week.  This should bring the balance down to around $350!!!  SO CLOSE!!!!
  • Set $100 aside for Summer Day Care Costs - Not sure what we will be doing with the girls this summer but I'm building a cushion since the summer will probably be more expensive.
  • I have $475 set aside for whenever the ginormous dentist bill arrives which will hopefully be enough with everything we already paid at the dentist office.
  • Added money to our savings towards our goal of saving $12,000 in 2014. Here's what we have so far:
    • $1066 Vacation Fund
    • $1066 Car Fund
    • $1065 EF  (Our EF total is up to $2065 since we emptied it to buy the investment property.  Woohoo!  Woohoo! Making progress)
    • Total Savings in 2014: $3197, only $8803 left to go!


  1. Added money to our savings towards our goal of saving $12,000 in 2014. Here's what we have so far:
    $1066 Vacation Fund
    $1066 Car Fund
    $1065 EF (Our EF total is up to $2065 since we emptied it to buy the investment property. Woohoo! Woohoo! Making progress)
    Total Savings in 2014: $3197, only $8803 left to go!

    Pretty impressive!!

  2. Congrats! I am jealous. I should be getting back around $127. Either that, or I owe $127 million.

    I was never good at math.

    Awesome post. ;) Will be back to read more.


  3. I know that student loan payoff will be sweet....and so close! 8-)
