November 2, 2014

My husband is...

I posted last week about some common disagreements my husband and I have.  And it was my most viewed post that I have ever written.  Just like most couples raising children, we have disagreements on parenting. But to be fair, I decided I should list some of the things that my husband does that make him an amazing father.  And I do think he is amazing.

My husband is definitely the "fun" parent.  He doesn't have to try to be.  He is just a more fun person than I am.  My brain is always going, thinking about things that need to be done, appointments to schedule, bills that need paid, vacations to plan :)... I'm the details person in this relationship.  But I have a hard time putting it all away and just relaxing and having fun.  Mr. R is the exact opposite.  He's always having fun, laughing and making jokes, singing and dancing with the girls.

My husband is a very hands on Dad.  He almost never leaves the house without asking if one of the girls want to go along with him.  Even if he's just running to the store to get a couple things.  And usually that quick trip turns into a fun outing involving picking out movies at the video store, going to a toy store, or playing at the park.  But he also does a lot of the not so fun parenting tasks around the house like picking up toys, bath time, and on his nights off he'll get the girls ready for bed for me.

My husband is a devoted father.  My dad moved across the country from us when I was 6 years old.   I was sad when my dad left and it was hard to see him leave again every time he came home for a visit. But it never occurred to me to wonder why he felt the need to start over so far away from his children until I had children of my own.  I couldn't imagine making that decision.

And I am 100% confident that Mr. R would never choose to be so far away from his daughters and be satisfied with only seeing them 2 weeks out of the year.  He doesn't like it if he doesn't get to see them at least once during the day, everyday.

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