July 27, 2014

Spending and Getting back on track

We kind of overspent this past month.  Things just happened and a lot of it was my fault.
  • We had 3 birthdays to celebrate in July + getting ready for Big R's birthday at the beginning of August  
  • Little R had to have a cavity filled which cost $66 up front but the cavity was so minor that they didn't need to numb the tooth or use laughing gas so the dentist said we should probably get a refund once the insurance goes through.
  • Garage Sales - Mr. R, Little R and I went yesterday and found a couple toys for Little R, a movie Mr. R wanted and a new to us entertainment center for only $10!
  • Big R was invited to a Renaissance Festival by a friend.  It was her first long day trip without a family member with her and it was over an hour drive.  I was a little nervous but did ok.  She had a blast. Her friends family paid for food and her ticket.  We gave her $20 for souvenirs.
  • This and that, little things that always add up.
We had a little extra gas money left over and food money left over that I used to help cover all the extra spending.  I need to make a quick run to the grocery store today.  My goal is not to spend more than $40, less if possible.  I went through the freezer, fridge and cupboards and here's my plan for the week:
  • Today - leftover over day for lunch and dinner - nachos, bologna and cheese sandwiches, hot dogs, grapes, salad
  • Monday - Baked Chicken
  • Tuesday - Crock pot spaghetti sauce and pasta - with enough to freeze leftovers for another day
The rest of the week will be leftovers and food from the freezer.  Thanks to some batch cooking lately, we have lots of frozen bean and cheese burritos, breakfast burritos, and blueberry pancakes.  We also have chicken nuggets for the kids in the freezer and lots of my chocolate chip cookies in the fridge for desserts. 

Mr. R is going to the store now with a very limited grocery list.  His goal is to spend $40 or less on just the stuff we need.  We'll see how that goes.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! July was a little expensive for us too. Time to tighten our belts!
