December 6, 2013

Friday Financials

Savings for Vacation:
  • Rolled loose change - $17 into the vacation fund
  • On Sunday, I found out about Capital One 360 Savings account black Friday deal.  I transferred $500 from our emergency fund to a 360 savings account.  As long as we keep the money there for 30 days, we get $75 added to our account. That $75 will be applied to our January Vacation.
Payments to Credit Card:
  • Only spent $85 in gas over the last two weeks, I budget for $100.  Extra $15 applied to Credit Card.
  • Paid $237 on credit card earlier in the week and paying another $400 today.
  • Extra Bills: $20 Doctor, $15 Dentist
  • Oriental Trading had a Free Shipping, No Minimum offer again: I spent $12 on additional stocking stuffers.  Total Impulse buy.  But everything was on sale or clearance so I got a lot for my $12.
  • Somehow our account has way less money than I thought it should.  Mr. Ripples' paycheck should have been nice since he worked Thanksgiving but it doesn't seem much different than usual.  He'll have to go pick up his pay stub to find out more.  It's disappointing because I thought I would me making some major progress this pay.  
I also found out that my December Commissions check will be enough to probably pay off the credit card and add another $100 to our Vacation Fund.  I don't usually earn commission.  It's only when I work on certain types of projects, so I don't count that money in our regular budget.

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